
The other day I had the pleasure of going to the Museum of Sydney to see the exhibition for Jeannie Baker’s new book, Mirror. For those unfamiliar with Jeannie Baker, she is an Australian artist who creates the most beautiful picture books using collage. Each page of her books is an individual miniature collage that is photographed to create the final page. Her art is exquisite and seeing the collages in real life made me realise the minute detailing that goes into each page.

Mirror is essentially two stories, intended to be read in parallel. One story follows a day in the life of a boy in Sydney, the other, a day in the life of a boy in a village in Morocco. Despite the vast differences in their environment and upbringing, there are many similarities between the boys and aspects of their lives.

Here are some pictures I took from the exhibition (don’t worry – we were allowed to take photographs!) and if you are in Sydney – it’s really worth a visit! The collages are simply stunning.

Spices at the Moroccan markets - the spices are real spices!

Sydney siders will recognise the Anzac bridge and cityscape in the background

Sydney skyline - I apologise for the blurriness!

Read a banned book!

Looking for something to read next week? Celebrate our freedom to read by choosing a book from the banned books list.

[You] speak an infinite deal of nothing.

Why, yes, I generally do.

All Shakespeare fans must check out this Shakespearean Insult Generator. Oodles of fun.

The Girl who Loves Parodies

I think I’ve said it before, but I love parodies. I’ve just been reading the Millenium trilogy by Steig Larsson (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire and The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest) and I cam across this parody by Nora Ephron. Worth reading if you loved the books!

Walking in Holden Caulfield’s Footsteps

Holden Caulfield Map of NYC

In honour of J.D. Salinger, who recently passed away at the ripe old age of 91, the New York Times has published an interactive map of NYC, where you can traverse the city in the footsteps of Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye, reading about Holden’s experiences in J.D. Salinger’s words at each information point.